SEO Compatible Content

SEO is the abbreviation of the words Search Engine Optimization in English. SEO means “Search Engine Optimization” in Turkish. SEO aims to make a website or an article evaluateable by search engines. The goal is to make a website rank higher for searches related to certain keywords. What is SEO?”</strong We can explain the answer to the question > by giving an example and in more detail as follows.

Many of us do many searches on the internet in daily life. For example, let’s give an example: “Second Hand Cars” or “Why can’t I lose weight?” Most of us search for various topics that we are curious about, such as. Well, when we make these searches, are we aware of the basis on which we usually choose the web page where we find the answer? Most of us click on the top-ranked pages and complete our work after learning the answer we are looking for. These pages are the ones that apply SEO strategies in the most accurate way to rank at the top. To achieve this, they use various techniques and pay attention to details. If you want to write content but do not know the answer to the question “How to write an SEO-friendly article?” and how to get to the top of Google, you can follow the steps in this guide we have prepared for you, one by one. You can write compatible content. If you are ready, let’s examine the subject “How to write an SEO-compatible article?” and understand the answer to the question “What is an SEO-compatible article?”.

Step One: Topic Selection and Detailed Research

When writing SEO compatible content, we need to decide well on the topic we want to include. We must be clear when deciding what topic to talk about in the content. And according to this decision, we must really explain the subject we want to include in the content. After choosing the topic, we must make a quality and detailed explanation about this topic.

For this, you can look at other articles and foreign sources and get help from artificial intelligence to a certain extent. However, you should be careful when obtaining information about the subject from another article and including the information you have obtained in your own article. If you create content that is very similar to the content you are looking at, your article that you want to be SEO compatible content will be perceived as duplicate content. Likewise, you should be careful when getting help from artificial intelligence. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is a great help in providing fast information to content writers. This helps them speed up their work. However, if the content is copied from artificial intelligence, Google bots will detect it at this stage. For this, Google bots use an algorithm that evaluates the quality, originality and reliability of the content. Thus, it detects whether the content is copied or not. Google bots generally try the following ways to understand whether the content is written by artificial intelligence;

First of all, Google checks the quality of the content. Artificial intelligence can make mistakes while writing content. Therefore, details such as the fluency of the content, the use of grammar or punctuation are checked. Apart from this, it pays attention to the originality of the content. It checks whether the content is copied from other sources. Because, in fact, artificial intelligence quotes other sources when writing content. Apart from this, attention is also paid to the compatibility of the content with search queries. Because artificial intelligence remains weak at this stage.

Step Two: Doing Keyword Research

We chose the topic we wanted to talk about when writing SEO compatible article or content. The second stage is to do keyword research. First of all, “what is the keyword?” Let’s understand it thoroughly. Keywords are terms that express the content of an article and are used by internet users when searching on a search engine. So, like the examples we just mentioned, when you want to buy a second-hand car, the query “second-hand cars” you type into Google is the keyword. While writing SEO compatible content, you need to identify the most searched queries regarding the subject you want to write about in your keyword analysis. After identifying these keywords, you need to include them in your text and include them in the required amount. This way, you can come out on top in queries. You can get help from certain sites when doing keyword analysis. However, you have to pay a certain fee to get the full version of them.

Although there is no clear answer as to how much keywords you should include when writing SEO compatible content, our advice is: Our advice is to include 1-3 keywords in every 100 words. You should be careful to include keywords in all subheadings, especially in the main title. However, to come out on top, you should avoid excessive keyword usage. Google bots can detect this situation and penalize your page.

Creating a Headline – H1 Headline

We determined the subject of the article and then its keywords. Now we can start writing SEO compatible content. Our first step for this is, of course, to create a main title. This is also called the H1 heading. H1 title must contain keywords. But you should do it naturally. Additionally, this title should focus on your chosen topic and represent a specific topic.

Starting Writing the Text

After writing the title for SEO compatible content, you can start writing the content. You should definitely include an introductory paragraph while writing the text. The introductory paragraph should not be too long. In general, it is appropriate for the paragraphs of your text to consist of 150 words. It would be a good choice to have a maximum of 300 words under a title. The main purpose of the introductory paragraph should be to attract the reader’s attention and provide quick information about the subject we want to talk about. The introductory paragraph is one of the critical points at which the reader decides whether to read the article or not. Therefore, you can include remarkable information about the subject in the introductory paragraph and explain your purpose for writing the article. You should definitely include one or two keywords in the introductory paragraph.

The general length of the article we want to write SEO compatible content should be at least 300 words. However, we should not extend the article with unnecessary words just to make it longer. Remember, our goal is to attract the reader to the page and keep them on the page. If the reader gets bored and moves on to search for information on another page, this will negatively affect our ranking in the search engine. We must pay attention to this point so that the reader does not get bored and give up while trying to search for information among an extended text with unnecessary words.


While writing SEO compatible content, including plenty of subheadings is one of the factors that will positively affect the page. This will help Google bots better understand the content when they crawl the page. Subheadings are also called H2, H3, H4 headings. For example, you can enter a subheading such as “Dieting” in the H2 subheading of an H1 titled article titled “Secrets of Losing Weight”.

Conclusion Paragraph

When we come to the end of our article, we should not leave it unfinished. We must be careful to complete our article with a conclusion paragraph. The conclusion paragraph can contain a brief general summary of the subject. You can explain this clearly without further ado. You should be careful to include keywords here, too.

Internal Linking

One of the important issues for SEO compatible content is internal linking. While writing a post on your blog page, you can redirect to another blog post. Thus, you can increase the time the user spends on the site and drive traffic to your other blog posts.

In this article, we have included answers to questions such as “What is SEO?”, “How to Write SEO Compatible Article”. There are no clear rules for writing SEO compatible content. However, the above contains necessary recommendations as a guide for someone who does not know the rules at all. For someone who is just starting to write, the suggestions we mentioned will help you on how to write content.