Reason for Your Google Ranking Drop

If you’re trying to understand why your Google rankings are dropping, we understand you perfectly. This can be really frustrating. But don’t worry, because we are here to discover solutions together. Google ranking drops are often caused by a combination of many factors, and understanding these factors is the first step to solving the problem.

Stay Calm and Try to Understand the Source of the Problem

The decrease in your Google ranking, causing your website to slide down in the search engine results, may be due to various factors. To understand and fix ranking decline, it is important to evaluate the factors. These factors include poor quality content, technical issues, backlink quality, outdated content, user experience and algorithm updates. First, it is necessary to try to find a solution by understanding where the source of the problem comes from.

Check the Quality of Your Content

Now, let’s take a look at our content. Evaluating the quality of your content is an important step in understanding the root cause of your ranking decline. Providing valuable content for users allows Google to highlight your site. Check whether your content is current, original and interesting. If the content is a little old or not very interesting, that’s normal. Everything should be updated over time. Try to keep your content user-friendly, friendly and informative.

At the same time, using the right keywords is also very important. Keywords in your content help your site match better when users search. However, it is also important to use these words naturally and without forcing. Forced keywords can cause your site to be perceived as spam.

Along with the edits made to your site’s content, it is also important to review your site’s layout and user experience so that users can easily understand your content. Ensuring your users have a pleasant navigation through your site can positively impact your Google rankings.

Technical Issues May Be Affecting Your Ranking!

It’s normal for your website to have technical issues, but it’s important to address them. For example, page loading speed. If your site loads slowly, users won’t like it, and Google may agree. To increase speed, you can take steps such as reducing page size and optimizing images.

Mobile compatibility is another issue. People are browsing on their phones everywhere now, so it’s important that your site is mobile-friendly. You can solve this problem by using responsive design or adding a separate mobile version.

Links that don’t work properly are another problem. If there are broken links on your site, this negatively affects the user experience and Google can notice this. It is important to periodically check the links on your site, fix broken links or remove them .

As a result, solving technical problems can help maintain the health of your website and help Google evaluate you better. If you need help with technical issues, consulting an expert can also be a good option.

Pay Attention to Backlink Quality

Backlinks are a type of link between web pages. For example, think of a phone book. If your name is in the directory of someone who is important and well-known, you will be a little more known to them. Backlinks also resemble this logic.

But here’s the important thing: Links must be reliable. That is, your name should be included in the directory of only reliable and respected people. But if your name is in the directory of someone who sends notorious spam messages, then your reputation may suffer a little.

That’s why you need to look at it from time to time and clean up bad links. To obtain good connections, it is important to produce content that will attract people’s attention or collaborate with reputable people. So, if your name is included in powerful directories, you will be in a better place in the internet world.

So, how can we solve this problem? To do this, we first need to identify the links coming to our page. You can detect these links using the Google Search Console tool. Google Search Console>Links> You can view the list of all linked pages by going to the Most linked sites>Other section. From here, you should identify the sites you deem unsafe.

Don’t Neglect User Experience

Algorithms have an impact on your Google rankings, and the importance that algorithms attach to user experience is increasing. Users want to navigate websites quickly and efficiently. Therefore, improving the layout of your site is an important strategy to both increase user experience and be more attractive to search engines.

First, page loading speed. It’s quite important. Fast-loading pages can help users spend longer on your site and reduce page abandonment rates. This may cause Google to consider your site as a higher quality resource.

Additionally, the mobile compatibility of your site is also of great importance. As the number of searches made from mobile devices is increasing, ensuring that your site works properly on all screen sizes positively affects the user experience and can convey the message to search engines that your site is up-to-date and useful.

Your Site May Have Been Hacked

If there has been a hack, don’t worry because Google does not impose a ranking penalty. A red warning may only appear in the search results, indicating that your site has been hacked. Users who see this warning will not click on your site. In this case, naturally there will be a decrease in your site’s ranking in a slightly more indirect way.

If Google detects that your site has been hacked, it will notify you immediately. To enlighten you on this issue, open your Search Console account> Security and Manual Operations> You can look at the Security Issues section. If there is a problem you can see it here.

Remember, it is always good to take safety precautions. You can increase the security of your site by taking steps such as using strong passwords, regularly updating software and plug-ins, and taking regular backups.

A decrease in your Google ranking can be caused by various factors. First, review your content quality and be careful to provide up-to-date and user-friendly content. Improve page speed and ensure mobile compatibility by resolving technical issues. Pay attention to backlink quality and get links from reliable sites. Improving the user experience can have a positive impact on your rankings. Do not neglect the issue of security; use strong passwords, update software and take regular backups. By following these steps, you can increase your Google rankings and improve the overall performance of your website.