What is Web Design? Web Design Agencies

Web design is the process of creating the user interface and visual design of a website. Web design shapes the aesthetic appearance, user experience and usability of a website. Businesses cannot carry out web design processes without sufficient knowledge and skills. That’s why they need a digital marketing agency or web design agency. Agencies carry out web design applications successfully thanks to their sufficient technical knowledge and skills. They establish the presence of businesses in the digital world by creating an aesthetically beautiful and high-quality website. If you want to better understand “what is a web design agency, what does it do?”, we have included information about web design agencies in this article.

What Exactly is Web Design?

Web design is a design discipline used on digital platforms to attract users’ attention and make the page functional by giving websites an aesthetic appearance. This discipline; It attaches importance to user experience, aesthetics, functionality, performance and accessibility. The first interaction of users visiting the web page with the site is important. Because websites reflect the online identity of brands.

Things to consider when designing a web are color schemes, fonts, visual elements and page aesthetics. Web design should also be done in a way that allows users to easily access the information they want while browsing the website. Sites should also be suitable for mobile devices. Thus, websites will work smoothly on every platform. If brands want to show their presence in the digital world and create an online identity, they should pay attention to web design techniques.

Digital Marketing Agencies: What Does a Web Design Agency Do?

Web design agencies are agencies that have a professional command of web design applications. These agencies help businesses that want to increase their online presence. A web design or digital marketing agency ensures that websites are user-friendly. This means making site navigation easier, ensuring fast loading times, and creating intuitive interfaces. They create mobile-compatible, tablet-compatible and computer-compatible designs for websites to work on different devices. Thus, they ensure that the website looks good on every screen size and resolution. Web design agencies also use appropriate color schemes, fonts and images to reflect the identity of businesses and brands. Thus, they increase the online recognition of the brand. Agencies also use CMSs to facilitate website content management. For example, they use WordPress. Thus, they make it easier for customers to update their content.

Apart from all these, one of the most important issues is to take the necessary measures to increase the security and performance of the website. This includes using SSL certificates, taking regular backups, and choosing fast servers. By applying all these practices, web design agencies help businesses compete and succeed on online platforms.

Web Design Programs

Web design programs; These are programs where professional digital marketing experts or simply web design experts create and develop websites. If you are interested in these programs or just want to gain awareness by learning web design processes, let’s talk about web design programs for you.

Adobe Dreamweaver

This software is a web development and code editing software developed for professional web designers. It is used to edit and code HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web languages. Thanks to the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, you can create both graphical and code-based web pages.

Adobe XD

This program is used to design user interface and user experience. With Adobe XD, you can create prototypes of mobile applications or websites and conduct user tests.


This application is a graphic design program specific to the macOS operating system. Web design experts who make web designs for mobile applications use this application frequently.


Figma is a cloud-based UI/UX design platform. They provide online collaboration and simultaneous editing.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is used as a fast and lightweight code editor. It offers support for various programming languages.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

This is a free and open source code editor. Microsof Developed by ft. It offers extensive plugin support, debugging features and multi-language support.


It is an open source code editor. Web design experts use it especially for CSS and HTML editing.


It is a visual web design platform that minimizes the need for coding. The WYSIWYG interface allows you to make interactive designs and create websites without coding.

These programs; As you can see, it is frequently used by web design experts to optimize web design and web development processes. Each program has its own advantages. Therefore, it is important to decide which program to use based on the needs of your design projects and your personal preferences. For example, Adobe Dreamweaver is a professional tool that combines coding and graphic design. Sketch and Adobe XD focus more on user interface design. Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text are very powerful in code editing.

In this article, what is web design? what does it do? What are web design programs? We examined the subject. As a result, we can understand that web design agencies help shape the digital presence of businesses by applying the necessary web design techniques and using web design programs. These agencies enable brands to have an effective presence in the online world by optimizing websites in terms of aesthetics, functionality and usability. They create customized web designs according to customers’ needs and goals and keep their websites updated. In short, web design agencies support clients’ online marketing strategies. And they help businesses achieve their goals. Thus, the competition of businesses in the digital world increases and the online presence of brands becomes stronger. If you want to entrust the job to experts and are looking for a good agency, we welcome you to Everest digital marketing website. If you want to understand “what are digital marketing agencies? what do they do?” then you can What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do? We invite you to read our blog post on Marketing Consultancy. You can contact us for detailed information.